Is Career Auto-pilot right for you?

Are you comfortable with your career on autopilot, or does it leave you with a nagging feeling that it’s not quite right?

You might be in the right place if you're content with a job that supports your lifestyle. However, if concerns about burnout, potential layoffs, or changes like AI advancements are keeping you up at night, now might be the time to reflect and take action to secure your employability in the future.

Understanding Career Autopilot

It's easy to slip into autopilot mode in your career, especially when you're seen as successful by others. You might think:

  • "I like my flexible schedule, but the tasks aren't challenging."

  • "The tasks are complex, but I'm not growing as a leader."

  • "I enjoy my role, but the company's future is unclear."

  • "I love the team and tasks, but I'm not getting promoted."

If you've been having these thoughts for more than three months, you might be facing a career dilemma. If these internal dialogues persist for six months or longer, you're likely to be fully in autopilot mode.

When Autopilot Is Okay

If your career pays the bills, supports your lifestyle, and you're happy, then being on autopilot is perfectly fine. Many successful professionals find contentment in their current roles without feeling the need to pursue new opportunities.

When Autopilot Becomes a Problem

However, if you constantly wonder if there's something better, you're probably not entirely satisfied with your job. You might feel stuck, unsure about alternatives, or afraid to leave your comfort zone. In this case, autopilot can lead to disengagement, lack of growth, and even burnout.

Take Control Before It's Too Late

To avoid becoming an unhappy professional, taking control of your career is crucial. Here's a simple test: try changing your narrative about your career. For instance:

  • "I have a busy schedule, and right now, I'm okay with demanding tasks because my salary supports my lifestyle."

  • "I'm okay with a demanding boss and less challenging tasks because I enjoy my team and have a good salary."

If you can say this honestly, you're consciously led to acceptance about your current state.

Getting Ready for Change

If you're ready for a change, contact us at ReDesign4Growth to clarify your next career steps. This five-stage coaching program can help you take ownership of your career success. It includes:

  • Strengths and Activities: Identifying your unique strengths and talents.

  • Motivational Values: Defining the rewarding work environment where you perform at your best.

  • Career Aspirations: Getting clarity on your professional career goals.

  • Business Model You: Creating a career model so you decide on a path faster by using your strengths and motivational values.

  • Career Growth Strategy: Exploring different alternatives to find the right balance between your interests and the market needs.

Take the First Step at Succeeding on Your Own Terms

Begin with an INVENTORY of your skills and strengths to understand where you are now.

Be honest about where you are and seek the support you need. The longer you stay on autopilot and feel dissatisfied, the harder it will be to make a change.

Are you ready to work on your strengths, talents, and skills? Ready to find purpose and meaning in your role? Ready to boost your professional or leadership self-esteem? If so, it's time to take the first step toward exiting autopilot mode and creating a fulfilling career.


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